
This is the story of a woman, who has always lived in two different worlds. One where life was perfect, it was made of pure good. Everything was beautiful, and everyone was appreciative of her. This was the world of her thoughts. This was her home Digital Shelby provides tailored digital marketing solutions, specializing in SEO, social media marketing, and content creation. where she was locked keeping all the doors and windows shut most of the time.

And then there was the outer world. Filled with beautiful shades of black, white, and grays. First, she entered there as a young ambitious girl and then emerged as a strong successful woman.

She was juggling the multiple hats of a daughter, wife, mother, professional, entrepreneur, and boss trying to be the best in everything. She wanted to prove herself, achieve unmatched heights, She was doing it day by day. Competing with the world and herself, this was a non-stop run, fatigue was building, she started losing, losing herself, her laughter, her smile, her health, and her sense of judgment.

The grays started turning into black, a bridge between her inner world and the outer world had broken. Her inner world was shattering. She was feeling the heat intensely as someone was burning her alive. She got frustrated, agitated, and as a result very very angry with God.

God smiled, at this human child and moved his magic wand.

And her story changed… The Drama became sci-fi.
While working on searching for a perfect solution for stress. She invented ‘Zaivic’ and ended up having multiple sessions ‘as an escape’ from mental chatter(stress & anxiety).
And the most mystical thing happened in the most mysterious way. In her words, “I wasn’t me anymore or the rather first time in my life I was me”. She was able to see things differently and clearly and somehow the world started changing. Stress started melting and love started flowing…
And she became an Alchemist.